books & catalogs

Cover of Noisy Autumn showing rat sticker on wall
Noisy Autumn: Sculpture and Works on Paper by Christy Rupp published by [publisher name], New York, 2021. View more about Noisy Autumn.
Swimming In the Gene Pool cover with insect outline in yellow and rust and green background

Christy Rupp: Swimming In the Gene Pool was the inaugural exhibition at Mass MoCA’s Kidspace in 2000. Visit the MASS MoCA website to view more about Swimming In the Gene Pool.

Cover of exhibit catalog for The Landscape Within showing large squid sculpture

The Landscape Within was exhibited at Castellani Art Museum of Niagara University in 1999. View more about The Landscape Within.

Cover of the catalog Catastrophozoic by Christy Rupp

Catastrophozoic: Sculpture by Christy Rupp was exhibited at Cross Contemporary Art in Saugerties, New York, in 2017. View more about Catastrophozoic.

Cover of the catalog Carbon, Mostly: Brinkiness and the Rights of Nature, Sculpture by Christy Rupp

Carbon, Mostly: Brinkiness and the Rights of Nature, Sculpture by Christy Rupp was exhibited at BCB Art in Hudson, New York, in 2015. View more about Carbon, Mostly.

Cover of exhibit catalog Natural Selection

Natural Selection: Sculpture by Christy Rupp was exhibited at the Burchfield Penny Art Center in Buffalo, NY, in 1990. View more about Natural Selection.

other publications

Coepod collage
Copepods by Christy Rupp (from Issue 21)

Dark Mountain: Issue 21 takes its inspiration from ‘confluence.’ The image of watersmeet, of two streams merging into one, has long had sacred connotations, as shown by the votive offerings left at the point where rivers meet.

From modern-day lycanthropy tales—inter-species minglings between human and animal—to the melting, freezing waters of the Antarctic Convergence; from intergenerational trauma to the disastrous coming-together of nuclear meltdown; from the collapsing ‘Doomsday Glacier’ to swirling microbial ecosystems deep within the human body; the contributions of the 60 writers and artists in this book join to make new patterns in this meeting of the waters.

See more about Dark Mountain: Issue 21 on the Dark Mountain website.

Group of six Aquatic Larvae made of wlded steel and collected single use plastics
Aquatic Larvae in becoming—Feral.

Through a collection of entries from over 80 international contributors, becoming—Feral curates a prismatic and multifaceted perspective on our understandings of other-animals and their ‘wildness’ through the re-imagined form of a bestiarum vocabulum (book of beasts). In this curated and edited collection poems, scholarly prose, musical composition, ecological research, lyric essays, performance documentation, and visual art sit alongside each other as we propose ferality in four approaches: Feral Relations, Feral Acts, Feral Collectives, and Feral Futures.

becoming—Feral is a creative research publication which aims to investigate the complex relationships between human/other-animals and the shifting categories of wild/feral/domestic, set within landscapes constantly being altered by global transformations of climate and capitalism.

See more about becoming—Feral on the becoming website.

Becoming-Feral bios

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